Blockchain-Enabled Security Solutions for Medical Device Integrity and Provenance in Cloud Environments
The current period of medicine using digital technology for patient care presents a new level of integration of monitoring devices with the cloud computing environment that enables the collection, storage and access to data in ways that were never possible earlier. As the obvious part of this development, it is worth noting that the objective of such innovation is mostly on the integrity of data, provenance and security. Data integrity from as well as security of the Internet connected healthcare devices should be assured in the first place to keep patient safety and protect data privacy along with improve data-based decision-making. The centralized system and crowded nature of the current equipment are susceptible to single point of failure, data breach and potential manipulations of data, which raise questions and create doubts with regards data management processes pertaining to medical device systems. This work is addressed to the analysis of a novel security system based on blockchain that guarantees the implementation of a high performance with the solution of two medical device integrity and provenance safety issues in the cloud ecosystem. Fundamentally differentiating from the centralized systems that exist today, blockchain technology that is based on distributed database architectures, immutable logs, and consensus mechanisms provides for a new way to bring reliability and traceability to the entire medical device data chain. The suggested procedure is based on properties of blockchain technology. Such a solution can help to provide a clear and secure audit trail for medical devices. Storing, securing and accessing the device data can be carried out credibly, maintaining these data’s integrity and provenance. Ultimately, the solution, rely on the implementation of smart contracts, cryptocurrency processes, and the confidentiality and privacy of data, can be the answer which make up the practice of secure data sharing, data accessing and complying with regulations. The journal creates a modular system combining Medical devices, a cloud platform, and Blockchain solution. The architecture is intended to display the blockchain network's essential components, data validation and access control, and secure data storage mechanisms. Furthermore, the recommended solution implies state-of-the-art security tools, such as data encryption, access control, and abidance by regulatory systems, including HIPAA and GDPR. Implementation of an actual scenario of the proof-of-concept and performance evaluation are done to show the efficiency and performance of the blockchain-based solution provided. The results suggest that the proposed solution can establish the data reliability level, record all the various versions of modifications, and strengthen the security and transparency of medical device data processing in cloud computing. Through the exploration of the applications of blockchain for medical data management that this study proposes, we are laying the foundations of a future healthcare environment, which is expected to be more secure and trustworthy, where the sensor data of medical devices can be reliably controlled and accessed without jeopardizing the patient's safety or data privacy. To a great extent, the suggested solution can contribute to building trust in the digital tools utilized in health care, leading to more well-informed clinical decisions and ultimately improving the patients' results.
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